Estate Planning

Wills and Probate

Probate is one of the ways to pass ownership of your property to your survivors. It is the legal process by which a court validates your will and supervises the administration of the estate. For some, the word “probate” has taken on a sinister meaning. This is because it is complex, tediously slow, costly (legal fees in many instances are determined by the size of the estate) and, in some instances, unnecessary. Aside from the high expense and time consumption, the other factor which makes probate undesirable is that the process requires notice of probate be sent to your relatives who would inherit your estate if you did not have the Will. This means that if you are in a relationship where you wish to leave assets, if you use a Will, it is a requirement that notice be sent to family members who may not have been supportive of your choices. They will be given an opportunity to contest your Will if they so desire.


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